Need vs Wants
After our summer holiday break, it was great to be back together again! After hearing about everyone holidays, we were very lucky to have an eye opening Peer Led session from Talia and Victoria. The cohort was confronted with a difficult idea of balancing our time each day to include all the essential activities, activities we wanted to spend our time doing, and activities we would like to spend our time doing. The Peer Led session began with the cohort being split into two groups. Using 24 jelly beans which represented all the hours in the day we had to divide them up into cups which were labeled with essential activities. One group divided them as an ideal day and the other as our realistic day. The discussion was based around mostly the time in a day we put towards community service. The ideal side had a substantial increase of jelly beans compared to the realistic side of our lives. We discussed the ideas regarding balancing time and we came to the conclusion that it ...