
Showing posts from September, 2016

Workshop 1

Today was our first filler workshop. Walking in to the same room that our group interviews were in, we all breathed a sigh of relief now that we had been chosen for this incredible program, and the room was filled with excitement and eagerness.  Mia and Ella volunteered themselves to kick off the session by creating some simple ice breaker games. The aim of these games were to serve a particular purpose. In their ideal form, they start getting people engaged with each other and the topic of the session. Mia and Ella did a great job at explaining and clarifying the rules and regulations of the games. After completing both the games, we sat as a group and had a discussion about how we believed the games were run. Different opinions and outlooks were shared, but as a collective we all agreed that both the girls did an amazing job. Following the ice breaker games, we sat down and watched the first five minutes of the movie Inside Out. We only needed to watch a small ...

Tikkun Olam Sleepover

Tikkun Olam Sleepover After arriving at Habo House in what was to be a memorable night and Sunday, we wasted no time and got into some ice breakers to get us back into the mood and vibe of the amazing Cohort that we have. Having not met as a cohort for almost 3 weeks, one could say that the passion of our group would be lost, but rather the opposite. We, as a group have a special connection with one another and were able to show that with the energy and enthusiasm we had. Next was a scrumptious dinner all the way from Mama Falafel. Segregating the Vegetarians from the Meat lovers; a partial divide amongst us. Nonetheless, after the meat was devoured in a matter of moments we intermingled and re-joined as one. Then we got stuck into the meaty stuff of the night (excuse the pun). Both Ellie and Ash each shared with the cohort who came before them, how influential family is to them and then who they are as a person today. We each all received booklets like this with these big...