Workshop 1
Today was our first filler workshop. Walking in to the same room that our group interviews were in, we all breathed a sigh of relief now that we had been chosen for this incredible program, and the room was filled with excitement and eagerness.
Mia and Ella volunteered themselves to kick off the session by creating some simple ice breaker games. The aim of these games were to serve a particular purpose. In their ideal form, they start getting people engaged with each other and the topic of the session. Mia and Ella did a great job at explaining and clarifying the rules and regulations of the games. After completing both the games, we sat as a group and had a discussion about how we believed the games were run. Different opinions and outlooks were shared, but as a collective we all agreed that both the girls did an amazing job.
Following the ice breaker games, we sat down and watched the first five minutes of the movie Inside Out. We only needed to watch a small glimpse of the movie to understand what it was about. Inside the little girl's brain were different memory islands, which had started off minute she was born and had gradually been built up over the years.
We then were asked to write down what our memory islands would be, and what would be in them. We had the option to physically create our islands using crafts, and we were given 20 minutes to do so. It was amazing to see how creative people were and how much effort people put into their work. We sat in a circle and shared to the group what our favourite memory island was and what was comprised within the island.
After we cleaned up the big mess we made, we got into groups to prepare for lunch. The delectable bagels and delicious dips made lunch irresistible. This was the first time we sat down as a collective group, and started conversations with new people. It was nice to talk to people you wouldn't usually get the opportunity to talk to.
After lunch was over, we all were given our phones and we played a game called Kahoot. It is a quiz game with time restrictions and sometimes more than one answer and trick questions. The topic and focus was on the Diller information night we attended on Thursday night, to see if we were listening. It was a really fun game which got everyone involved. It was amusing to see how little we know about Diller, but excited at the same time to see how much we can look forward to and learn about.
Following the kahootz it was nearly home time, but not before some inspiring and stimulating learning before Rosh Hashana. We had to learn in chevruta (partners) and we split up and studies the texts in depth. It was really interesting to discuss with someone who you wouldn't usually talk to and raise some important questions and queries before the new year.
After the completion of this we all came back into the main room and reflected. We were given booklets that are ours to keep for the duration of this program, for self reflection and introspection. We were told to right three things we hope to get out of Diller, as well as three things we hope for and we hope to achieve in the new year. After completing this it was unfortunately time to leave. We said our final goodbyes and it was over like that, our first Diller workshop! Reflecting on our first workshop I can safely say I enjoyed myself a lot, as I'm sure did the rest of the group.

Following the ice breaker games, we sat down and watched the first five minutes of the movie Inside Out. We only needed to watch a small glimpse of the movie to understand what it was about. Inside the little girl's brain were different memory islands, which had started off minute she was born and had gradually been built up over the years.

After we cleaned up the big mess we made, we got into groups to prepare for lunch. The delectable bagels and delicious dips made lunch irresistible. This was the first time we sat down as a collective group, and started conversations with new people. It was nice to talk to people you wouldn't usually get the opportunity to talk to.

Following the kahootz it was nearly home time, but not before some inspiring and stimulating learning before Rosh Hashana. We had to learn in chevruta (partners) and we split up and studies the texts in depth. It was really interesting to discuss with someone who you wouldn't usually talk to and raise some important questions and queries before the new year.

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