What is a leader?

After experiencing our amazing first Shabbaton together, we were finally back for another exciting workshop! To start we had a hilarious icebreaker where we had to introduce our Israeli counterparts with out stuttering, umming or erring. It may seem simple but it seemed no one could complete their full introduction without an um or an err. It was a great way to start as everyone was laughing uncontrollably and got comfortable within minutes! Following this, we had Nadia and Dahlia lead our Peer led sessions, which are always interesting and fun, and they didn’t disappoint! Each person was given 4 sticky notes on which they had to devote two to fun things that happened in December and two fun things that happened in January. When that was completed we moved to the other side of the room where a circle divided into two, for the two months, were set out. Each person stuck their two pie...