The Journey of Milo and Haymishe Cookies

We kicked off workshop 6 a small check in of everyone's past 2 weeks, then went straight into a quick ice breaker. We a split into small groups, each group was assigned a 'leader' and given supplies. Then we were told to "play the game". The only problem was that nobody knew "the game". During the 5 minutes of the "the game" there was lots of laughter as everybody scrambled to play their version of this so called game. Whilst this "game" was highly enjoyable, in the discussion after we reflected it is important to know where you want to go in order to achieve a goal. We were assigned tables/groups where our incredible madrichim put together a slideshow outlining important information that is vital to running a any project, but more specifically for us, running a Shabbaton. This is a tool that Diller calls the Journey of Milk and Cookies (but for us Aussies in the Journey of Milo and Haymishe Cookies). The tools in the mode...