Shabbat Shalom

Diller 1st Shabbaton
The 1st ever Melbourne cohort of Diller Teen Fellows set out to Bacchus Marsh for their first Shabbaton as a group of unfamiliar kids, nervous and apprehensive for what was to come. We arrived at the campsite not long before Shabbat and quickly went about setting up all the necessary preparations. In accordance to Diller tradition we all put on our white clothes for Shabbat, underwent a quick teamwork activity and took some Shabbat photos. 

Over the ensuing two days the fellows quickly got to know each other very well over interesting discussions, controversial disagreement, enjoyable activities and lots of laughs. Not only did we learn to appreciate the views and values of others, we were also able to consolidate our own opinions. Under the incredible leadership of our madrichim, Ellie Golvan, Ash De Winter and Bryce Kenny along with some peer led activities, the fellows learnt invaluable lessons and had plenty of fun. Shabbat concluded with a beautiful Havdalah ceremony and the we were all surprised by an amazing race through the forest on the final morning. 

After pack up it was time for our emotional farewells until the next workshop in two weeks. Everyone had an absolute ball over the weekend learning about religious, political and Zionistic topics, as well as building friendships along the way.

Check out the photos on the Diller Melbourne Facebook page.

Noah and Jordan.


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