The Journey of Milo and Haymishe Cookies

This week the fellows were exposed to the International Diller Teen Fellows model of project planning. Throughout the year, each Diller Teen Fellows group has this session ran for them in preparation for their Self-Managment Shabbaton. In Israel this session is called "Hamasa Shel Shoko Ve'Lachmaiya" (The Journey of Chocolate Milk and Bread Rolls), in North America it is the "Journey of Milk and Cookies", we in Melbourne had the "Journey of Milo and Haymishe Cookies".

The model looks at who one should prepare for a project, by figuring out the Mission, Vision and goals. We explored how to write these by being split up into group of organisations from governments, to charity organisations and created mission and vision statements as well as a set of goals.

We then brainstormed a theme for our Shabbaton that we will run in May.

This session was very influential. We learnt some incredibly useful skills in planning. We learnt the importance having a goal and a way how to do it. We discussed how we want our future Shabbatons to go and flourish. It was a very enjoyable workshop.
Timna and Simmi


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