Israel Isrealllyyy fun: DAY ONE
Hello there diller fam bams, and welcome to the first instalment of the un named diller checkin letter/journal/update.
Us 20 diller fellows (-kivi who met us in Israel) and the tzevet, took a long and very interesting 2 flights to Israel. Both flights, were very eventful, with interesting meals and seething positions. However the fun and the experience did not stop there. Once through security in Israel, the group came to the realisation that half the flights luggage had been left in the hot(but not as hot as Israel) Bangkok Airport.
Either way the day went on, and the bags are on their way. We began the day with a trip to Yerucham, where we learnt about the history of the town and how it reflects Israel and its diverse population. The group was then visited the very welcoming household of Shula, were we were served an amazing home cooked meal.
The group was then driven to Sde boker, where we were greeted by a magnificent view with the company of animals called Ibex (which is a goat looking thing where the males have beards and massive curly horns and the females have little horns). The group then took part in an activity before visiting David Ben Gurions grave.
We then travelled further to the south of Israel (if I haven't mentioned we are in the south. But the top of the south). The group was then given the opportunity to rappel down the biggest crater in Israel. At this point it was very very very hot, and everyone treated themselves to ice creams and ice coffees before getting back onto the bus.
After everyone had boarded the bus, we were off to our final stop for the night, Arad, which is in the North part of the South. But before we closed it off we, the bus made one final stop for a last minute undies run (for those who had all their undies in their unarrived suitcases).
Once in Arad, we unpacked the bus and loaded into our youth hostel, before heading off to an amazing dinner. We then ended the night off with maagal Layla.
This has been a very full on, but exciting day, and the cohort cannot wait for the next few weeks.
Ella bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb (Ella Benery Belfer)
Peace out
Hello there diller fam bams, and welcome to the first instalment of the un named diller checkin letter/journal/update.
Us 20 diller fellows (-kivi who met us in Israel) and the tzevet, took a long and very interesting 2 flights to Israel. Both flights, were very eventful, with interesting meals and seething positions. However the fun and the experience did not stop there. Once through security in Israel, the group came to the realisation that half the flights luggage had been left in the hot(but not as hot as Israel) Bangkok Airport.
Either way the day went on, and the bags are on their way. We began the day with a trip to Yerucham, where we learnt about the history of the town and how it reflects Israel and its diverse population. The group was then visited the very welcoming household of Shula, were we were served an amazing home cooked meal.
The group was then driven to Sde boker, where we were greeted by a magnificent view with the company of animals called Ibex (which is a goat looking thing where the males have beards and massive curly horns and the females have little horns). The group then took part in an activity before visiting David Ben Gurions grave.
We then travelled further to the south of Israel (if I haven't mentioned we are in the south. But the top of the south). The group was then given the opportunity to rappel down the biggest crater in Israel. At this point it was very very very hot, and everyone treated themselves to ice creams and ice coffees before getting back onto the bus.
After everyone had boarded the bus, we were off to our final stop for the night, Arad, which is in the North part of the South. But before we closed it off we, the bus made one final stop for a last minute undies run (for those who had all their undies in their unarrived suitcases).
Once in Arad, we unpacked the bus and loaded into our youth hostel, before heading off to an amazing dinner. We then ended the night off with maagal Layla.
This has been a very full on, but exciting day, and the cohort cannot wait for the next few weeks.
Ella bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb (Ella Benery Belfer)
Peace out

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