Workshop 9
It had been two week and we we hadn’t seen each other at all. After being together all day and night while we were in Israel, it had been extremely eerie not seeing each other for that long. It was an amazing feeling watching everyone walk through the door and reuniting after our Israel trip. After a lengthy reunion and a bit of snacks, we got started on a peer led run by Emily and Matthew.
The main focus of the peer led was to recap and remember all the incredible experiences we had in Israel. We started off being split into two teams, where each team had to point out the location of an Israeli Diller cohort on a map of Israel. It was extremely difficult trying to remember 16 different groups spread across Israel, as well as their international partnership community, but we got there in the end. We continued the peer led with an incredible Kahoot created by Emily and Matthew. This trivia challenge asked us many questions about the places we had been to and the people we had met while we were in Israel. We remembered all the fun, happy, sad and funny moments we had on our trip. By the end of the Kahoot, our whole cohort was laughing because of all the funny experiences we had.
Unfortunately, our Israel trip is over and we have to move on. However, that doesn’t mean what's happening next isn’t as brilliant. Our next activity, run by our madrichim, was an introduction to our impact projects. Now that the Israel trip is over, the next stage in the Diller journey are impact projects. These projects are designed by the fellows, and are a way in which we can give back to the community. Articles, statistics and posters were positioned all around the room with many issues that affect the world today. We were given a lot of time to wander around the room and read these interesting prompts. The articles ranged from gender inequality and racism to loneliness, homelessness and depression. After reading through everything, we were asked to chose one of the articles that sparked discussion, or that we wanted to explore in more depth.
We sat in a circle and everyone was given the opportunity to share and express their opinion about their choice. We then got to discuss certain issues presented in the articles. The workshop continued as we were split into pairs and given a sheet that aimed to help us explore possible ways in which we can combat a particular issue of our choosing. Each pair chose an issue and wrote down ways in which they, their families and their community could respond to the issue. This activity was a real eye opener as it got us thinking about what we can do with our impact projects.
We are all extremely excited for our next workshop where we can actually start these amazing projects and give back to the community.
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